Paul Lennard is an 'energy therapist'.

This means he 'channels' healing energy, strange and unscientific as that may sound. He's known in the press as the 'Buddha on a Bike,' possibly a reference to his wisdom and speedy results. Or maybe to his mode of transport. (He's not spiritual A list, he claims – but he has a motorbike.)

His unique therapy combines 'scanning' the body with his hands – for diagnosing and healing – plus his own eclectic mix of energy work, deep tissue massage, craniosacral therapy and Chi Nei Tsang, along with Shamanic work (read more about those here.) He treats clients (both two and some four-legged) with major and minor illnesses. These may be physical, mental, spiritual or emotional – from a tummy ache or feeling slightly blue to a bad back, major depression or cancer. (For his results with these, read his testimonials.) Often he's guided in his work by what he can only describe as 'intuition' or a 'sixth sense'. Whatever it is that allows him to be such a highly effective healer, he is widely regarded as being extremely gifted, and practises globally.

Click for Paul's techniques, story, press, testimonials, to contact him and for upcoming events. And if you're still undecided, look at his word to sceptics. Unlike allopathic medicine, energy healing has no downsides. So why not give it a try?



How it works

Paul applies his own unique combination of deep tissue massage, craniosacral therapy, Chi Nei Tsang and Shamanic work to clear old traumas that are showing up as current health problems in the mind and body. The therapy works on every level: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. These aspects are so intricately intertwined and connected that a physical problem may have its roots in an emotional difficulty – even a historical one.

In energy work, Paul 'tunes in' to the client's emotional history, clearing trauma that is stored at a cellular level. He can sense people's energy fields and can often 'see' where the body is unconsciously 'holding' the memory of an event or feeling which is still manifesting physically, sometimes to ill effect. During treatment Paul targets places where any such memory is 'held' and releases it, in the process easing the connected problem. This has beneficial and often far-reaching effects – anything from making someone feel more cheerful to avoiding major surgery (see testimonials).

Once the underlying issues and emotional and physical traumas have been cleared, the client will bounce out of his treatment room. Well, they may not quite bounce – but mostly they go on to realise their full potential.



A word to sceptics

Over a decade, what Paul does has been proven to be successful in a variety of illnesses - from minor ailments to major (and sometimes life-threatening) ones. His success rate is high. But just as no honest surgeon could ever say that he has never been surprised in his work and no truthful consultant could ever claim that she's never had to experiment - some people may respond to energy healing differently to others. The outcome is not predictable. But it's always good.

For some, energy therapy is a routine and normal approach to health. For others, undertaking to have this sort of work may require a leap of faith. But Paul likes it when clients arrive with a healthy dose of scepticism, especially when he proves them wrong. He's the first to admit that he doesn't have all the answers when it comes to explaining his gift.

Oh, and it's worth pointing out that energy healing has no downside or adverse side effects. It offers exactly what it says on the bottle.



The Gospel according to St. Paul

Paul grew up in Hove, the son of a property consultant and a sculptor. He attended Lewes grammar school, graduating with a reasonable smattering of A grades. From there, still unsure as to what he would do when he grew up, he held various jobs - including working as an antique restorer, bouncer and zoo keeper.

So far, so ordinary. But it was in the latter incarnation that he realised that he had an unusual talent – or rather the gorillas noticed it first. They kept 'signing' to him when they had something wrong – pointing at an eye that was later found to be infected or 'asking' him to deal with a swollen ankle.

Needless to say, he didn't take the hint, leaving instead to become a personal trainer. But one day a psychic came to the gym (as they do) and told Paul that it is only once every seven lifetimes that a man with his powers comes to earth. Or words to that effect.

Read more • Next


What Paul's clients say

Paul is the healer of choice for footballers, royalty and dogs. You'd have to pull his toes off to get him to spill the beans, or even a bean. But let these testimonials speak for themselves.

Deborah Dickinson, Senior Lecturer, City University London.
“After an exhausting 20 year battle with bladder cancer, three years ago my disease had become so aggressive that my consultant informed me that it was no longer possible to 'manage' it... read on

Kate Libran, Journalist. “I kept hearing about Paul – the so-called sorcerer with healing hands who was defying science. I was sceptical, yet still booked to see him. I'm bipolar and react badly to various medications... read on

Sophie Leighton. “Paul came to see my horse, Ivy, at the suggestion of a friend he'd treated and who, to my amusement, called him a 'miracle worker'. I was hugely sceptical. But I had nothing to lose... read on



In the Press

‘Our review of energy healer Paul Lennard’, Queen of Retreats, October 2015
Depending on the client’s needs (and he treats both humans and animals), he uses a mixture of deep tissue massage, craniosacral therapy and Chi Nei Tsang (an effective stomach massage), along with Shamanic work. He says he’s often guided in his work and ‘sees’ things which help him to discover what’s wrong... read on

‘We can work it out’, Tatler, June 2015
Lennard will ask you spookily on-point questions as you lie there: he has a way of making you remember events that you’d forgotten - an accident that left you in shock, a destructive relationship from years ago... read on


In the Press

‘The hot new healing trend’, Daily Mail, March 2015
Meeting Paul, I immediately felt at ease; at the same time there’s an intensity behind those eyes. I saw him in London at the Shambhala Urban Escape in the Metropolitan by COMO, but Paul is a jet setter; he is currently in Spain at La Escondida Hotel hosting a retreat but frequently works out of celeb favourite Chiva-Som in Thailand, (he’s their most popular visiting therapist) and everywhere from Amsterdam to LA...
read on

‘Dial H for Healers’, Tatler Spa Guide 2014
Healers are very much in vogue, claiming to be able to cure any type of physical or emotional problem. Here’s how one, the ‘Buddha on a Bike’, helped Caroline Phillips beat the blues - big time... read on


In the Press

Fiona Hicks, The Lady, May 2013
I decided to throw myself into the deep end and try Energy Healing with global practitioner, Paul Lennard... It really did feel as if years’ worth of thoughts and anxieties were leaving my body... I could definitely detect the effects of one session, and felt more at ease than I have done in a long time...
read on

Pippa Vosper, Harper’s Bazaar, April 2013
My hour with Paul was life-changing... an experience like no other... Needless to say, my skepticism has been firmly put in its place...


In the Press

‘Medicine Man’, Condé Nast Traveller, February 2013
A rarity: an amazing man who looks like a gap-year student, used to be a zookeeper (he loves gorillas) and is now a healer... read on

‘Mum’s Not Having Chemo’, book by Laura Bond. “It’s the things you don’t think about that are usually the problems, rather than the things you know about,” says Harley Street energy healer Paul Lennard... read on


In the Press

‘Healing hands’, Essential Escapes, June 2012
I’ll never forget the day I walked into a Harley Street Clinic to meet with energy therapist Paul Lennard. I was all prepared with my list of interview questions and yet I didn’t even get as far as taking the pen and paper out my bag... read on

‘Star beauty secrets’, Daily Mail, November 2011
“My star beauty secret?” asks Vaishaly, facialist to Elle McPherson, Nigella Lawson and Gwyneth Paltrow, “healing sessions with energy healer Paul Lennard...” read on



Workshops, events and where to find Paul

Paul and his healing hands have been found working in a Middle Eastern palace, a 5* tent on African safari and in an oligarch's sitting room. Client confidentiality is paramount, but he has practised wherever Ryanair, private aircraft and canoes take him.

Woodlands, Featherbed Lane, Carters Corner, BN27 4HX
Please click here for directions.

Distance Healing
For a Zoom distance healing contact Paul on